
Case Study in The Power of Social Media :It's All About Relationships

I recently participated in a case study without really knowing about it.  We hear so much about the power of social media, and we are equally asked what the results we see. This short case study will give you insight into the power of social media, but more importantly what your campaigns really need in order to convert into theh dollars or actions you are expecting. . Overview: An acquaintance from college posted a request on Facebook for blood donors.  A friend of hers -- a father of two young children-- was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is requiring numerous blood transfusions (specifically white blood cells and a certain blood type). I saw the post on Facebook and although my blood type didn't match, I thought how hard could it be to share the request with my network. "Sue" was a person I knew pretty well and I respected her.  I posted a request for blood donors (of the certain blood type) with some information about the person in need. My post gave a spec...

Best Practices for Content Marketing: Start With Common Sense and Then Strategy

I've being doing quite a bit of research lately on content strategy and what content types, channels, and resources are the most effective for companies to reach their target audience.  As you read the research and my summary, I'd be interested to hear if you come to the same conclusion, sounds like common sense, right? But, as we see in so many situations, common sense takes a back seat to politics, resource constraints, and fear of new technologies.  Detailed below are what I see as the most common mistakes companies are making and the key characteristics of successful firms. Mistakes: No Content Marketing Strategy.   According to a Pennypacker survey , only 46% of firms responding had a content marketing strategy. I find this extraordinary.  Producing content is not cheap.  It's like selling a house without doing any staging.  You might get a buyer, but are you getting the maximum result for your efforts? Content marketing is not an integrated cross...

Lessons Learned from Twitter Chats

Over the last two years, I have been the co-moderator of #careerchat on Twitter.  We originally started the chat to help professional manage their career better.  Like any involvement in an online community, you can go in with one idea but you have to be open to the community driving what they are really looking for.  Over time, the community of users participating evolved more to industry experts and other career coaches. Is this a failure or just the community driving their needs? By reaching career coaches, university career services departments, and other career services companies, aren't we ultimately reaching our target population.  It's very hard to quantify brand growth through the use of social media tools, but the latest numbers from provide a compelling argument that the exposure may be worth the investment of one hour over lunch. Reached 29,052 people via 50 tweets  Exposure: 57,442 Impressions

5 Steps Overcoming Frustrations With Your Work and Life

Lately, I've been getting restless at work. Am I in the right place? Are the things that challenge me the right things? Over the last week or so, I spent some time evaluating where I am and where I want to go. The process, which I have to say has been a surprise to me, has re-energized me and helped me completely appreciate everything where I am. I'm not a sappy person who "found the light." But, I did find that I'm where I'm supposed to be, at least for now. Here's My 5 Step Process To "Enlightenment": Inventory. Think about what your happy with and more importantly what's driving you crazy. Identify what you can change and what you can't. Sounds easy right? But this is actually the hardest part. You need to make sure that if you are attempting change within your job and company that it will be accepted and appreciated by your manager and your coworkers. If you're making change at home and you're married; you better be talki...

Don't Treat Me Like a Doormat!

You work at home, but your neighbors who work out at an office see you as their personal assistants. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Jeffrey Zaslow of the WSJ recently covered the topic in, " At-Home Workers Say Enough is Enough ". According to Zaslow, "the assumption is that working at home means that you have the are torn between their willingness to help and their resentment about the way their help is sought." From someone who has worked at home, I can tell you that the assumption about flexibility if WRONG. You know what I mean. We've all looked at the clock, realized it was 4:00 in the afternoon and couldn't believe we were still in our p.j.s? Our days fly by and all of the things you had planned to do are still waiting for you. I can see why the women featured in this story feel the way they do. They are "easy marks." Why couldn't they pick up the kids, run some errands, right? Read the rest on MyPath...

Welcome to MyPath: 28 Hours: Work life balance tools Part 3:

Welcome to MyPath: 28 Hours: Work life balance tools Part 3:

A True Milwaukee Weekend

I was flying solo last weekend. My hubby was trying to win, or more importantly, not lose our retirement in vegas. So what's a girl to do? Do what I did, catch up with family and friends and enjoy the great city we live it. Itinerary for the weekend: Friday: Worked out with the trainer at the Brickyard. If you haven't been to this gym, you're missing out on our very own version of Average Joe's (from Dodge ball if you didn't get the connection). There's always something ridiculous going on there. Following the Brickyard, visit friends at Sugar Maple . A great bar in Bay View:smoke free, awesome beer selection, and not at all pretentious (but also not dingy). A ride home from a friend and a good night sleep. Saturday: Kate and I explored Bay View alla a 5 mile walk. Starting in the deep south of Bay View (Clement and Morgan), we trecked our way to Groppi's and were delighted to find a free cheese, bread, salami and beer sampling. God, I love this ci...