
Showing posts from August, 2010

5 Steps Overcoming Frustrations With Your Work and Life

Lately, I've been getting restless at work. Am I in the right place? Are the things that challenge me the right things? Over the last week or so, I spent some time evaluating where I am and where I want to go. The process, which I have to say has been a surprise to me, has re-energized me and helped me completely appreciate everything where I am. I'm not a sappy person who "found the light." But, I did find that I'm where I'm supposed to be, at least for now. Here's My 5 Step Process To "Enlightenment": Inventory. Think about what your happy with and more importantly what's driving you crazy. Identify what you can change and what you can't. Sounds easy right? But this is actually the hardest part. You need to make sure that if you are attempting change within your job and company that it will be accepted and appreciated by your manager and your coworkers. If you're making change at home and you're married; you better be talki...

Don't Treat Me Like a Doormat!

You work at home, but your neighbors who work out at an office see you as their personal assistants. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Jeffrey Zaslow of the WSJ recently covered the topic in, " At-Home Workers Say Enough is Enough ". According to Zaslow, "the assumption is that working at home means that you have the are torn between their willingness to help and their resentment about the way their help is sought." From someone who has worked at home, I can tell you that the assumption about flexibility if WRONG. You know what I mean. We've all looked at the clock, realized it was 4:00 in the afternoon and couldn't believe we were still in our p.j.s? Our days fly by and all of the things you had planned to do are still waiting for you. I can see why the women featured in this story feel the way they do. They are "easy marks." Why couldn't they pick up the kids, run some errands, right? Read the rest on MyPath...